Free Pre Algebra Curricula & Resources for Homeschooling

I have compiled here a handy list of completely free pre algebra curricula. If you’d like to take a video tour of the courses, make sure to watch my video. I have added one more course (#4) to this list that does not appear in the video.



Free Pre Algebra Curriculum & Open Educational Resources

1. Rogue Community College

Prealgebra in a Technical World:
Companion Resources (Power Point slides):


2. Rice University’s OpenStax

Free online textbook:
Companion suggested video tutorials:
Specifically for Prealgebra video playlist:


3. Saddleback College

Prealgebra online:


4. My Open Math

My Open Math:
Free Open Textbook Prealgebra:


5. Khan Academy



6. McDougal Littell Pre-Algebra

If you google “mcdougal littell pre algebra” a link to the complete PDF version appears, which you can download right away if you wish.

Textbook at Amazon (as low as $4):

Companion site:


7. Alison – Free Certified Learning

Pre-Algebra Mathematics:

*This course appears to be a review for someone who may have already studied it before and wants to brush up on the foundamentals. It does not seem to be a complete Pre-Algebra course.


I hope you will find these courses worth it.  Some of them are phenomenal. And even though we ended up choosing a paid course, I will no hesitate to come here for reinforcements.  My sincere thanks to all the individuals and institutions who have made these available to all of us to enjoy for free. We highly appreciate it!


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