Moving Beyond the Page 6-8 – Concept 1, Unit 3, Lesson 8: The Role of Plants
Today we learned about the role plants play in the community and the environment. We started as usual with our spelling practice. Copy today’s new words once each into AA’s spelling journal (a folder) and copy yesterday’s words 3 times each into his dry erase board. Our spelling words today were ‘sun’ and ‘air’. We read “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein and then answered questions about the story. We then drew and colored scenes of a scrambled story and put them in order. Lastly, we wrote a Thank You note to a tree for all that it had given to him through the years.
We finished Lesson 5: Trains of our WriteShop Book A curriculum. AA really enjoys his WriteShop time and the publishing part may well be his favorite in the sequence. We created a large accordion book with the beginning of the story pasted in the front of the train or engine; the middle in the boxcars, and the end in the caboose. He decorated it with stickers and proudly showed it to dad when he was finished.