Moving Beyond the Page 6-8 – Concept 3, Unit 1, Lesson 1: Using Maps and Globes
Today we learned about exploring the world through maps. We first read the book “The Armadillo from Amarillo” by Lynn Cherry. It was a delightful story of an armadillo who wants to know where in the world he is. He explores his neighborhood, city, state, country, continent and finally the entire earth and even the moon. Lovely illustrations and rhymes made this book a pleasure to read for both AA and myself. AA then wrote sentences and drew pictures of his own whereabouts in the universe. We studied maps, their symbols and keys, interpreted symbols and keys in his own worksheet. And lastly, AA wrote a brief paragraph of his own future visit to Amarillo, Texas.
RightStart Math, Level C, Lesson 18: Review and Practice
Today we did review of material covered so far, such as roman numerals, telling how many objects there are without counting, and strategies for adding 2 numbers. AA also did practice sheets 6 -8.
Piano Lesson
AA also attended his private piano lesson today.