Handwriting With Tears CD
I put together a list of songs I found in YouTube that belong to Handwriting Without Tears CD Rock, Rap, Tap & Learn. This is a list in progress, I will include the songs in here as I find them. The number next to the song is the same as that in the original CD.
If you know of any HWT songs in youtube that are not included here, please let me know so we can complete the list 😀 Thank you!
Handwriting Without Tears Songs
1. Alphabet Boogie
Not exactly the same song as in the CD but similar rhythm
2. Where Do You Start Your Letters?
Incomplete song:
12. Frog Jump Letters
16. CAPITALS & lowercase
17. Magic C
19. Descending Letters
20. Number Song
23. Mat Man Rock
Incomplete song:
This video: “My Handwriting Without Tears Room” is not about songs but I thought it’d be nice to include it here. What great enthusiasm … I think it can be contagious 😉
Overview of Handwriting Without Tears