Secular Homeschool Math Curriculum
Why do you call it secular homeschool math curriculum. Isn’t all math curricula secular in nature?
Yes, I believe that for the most part, all homeschool math curricula is secular in nature. I have labeled it secular, however, because all materials listed here in this directory are not part of any Christian or religious homeschool curriculum.
Which homeschool math curriculum should I use with my child?
The homeschool math curriculum to choose really depends on your own preferences and most importantly, on the preferences and learning styles of your child. Important factors to consider are the following:
- Does it embrace multiple learning styles: visual, auditory, hands-on, or a combination of them?
- Is it engaging enough for young or older children depending on the age of your child. Games & fun activities are essential for kids.
- Does it rely heavily or moderately on parental guidance or is it mainly child led? Usually the older the child, the more independently he can work on his lessons. Important if you homeschool multiple children.
- Is the pace in which the material is delivered appropriate for your child’s level or aptitude? Going too fast or too slow can be frustrating for your child.
- Is the method of presentation/instruction appealing to your child? Textbooks, workbooks, worksheets, DVDs, online?
- Is it portable? Portability is important if you are a frequent traveler.
The Math curriculum we use at home is RightStart Math –we *love* it and do recommend it. But I know there are a lot of other excellent resources available for all sorts of preferences and learning styles. Here is a list of all the secular homeschool math curricula I could find. I hope it will help you choose the right math curriculum for your own homeschool.
With all best wishes,
Elementary Secular Homeschool Math Curricula
Elementary Math |
Right Starth Mathematics | K-4 | We recommend VideoText Interactive for high school algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and pre-calculus. This program uses the same philosophy as RightStart™ Mathematics; students are taught to think mathematically and, consequently, develop an excellent understanding of algebra and geometry. |
JUMP Math | Grades 1 to 4 | JUMP Math is brilliant! It Works! Kids and adults working with it LOVE it! |
Excel Math K-6 Curriculum | 6th Grade | Excel Math is mathematics curriculum for Kindergarten through Sixth grade students. |
MathMadeEasy- Math Software | 1-12 Grade | Addition Subtraction Multiplication and Division, Fractions Decimals Percents and Word Problems, Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Trigonometry, Intermediate Algebra (Pre-Calculus), Calculus Semester 1, Calculus Semester 2, Advanced Calculus, Probability and Statistics Part 1, Probability and Statistics Part 2 |
Time4Learning Math | Grade 1-8 | Homeschool math on the computer should teach much more than the “how to” of simple arithmetic. A good math curriculum should have kids learn math concepts and skills with a proven math curriculum and a complete scope and sequence. Time4Learning teaches a comprehensive math curriculum so kids build a solid math foundation. |
Spectrum Math | Preschool to Grade 8 | Our proven Spectrum Math grade 2 workbook features 160 pages of drills and practice in math fundamentals. Recently updated to current national math and testing standards. This workbook for children ages 7 to 8 uses everyday math applications to teach basic skills. Math skills include: ~Place value to 100 ~Fractions 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 ~Counting pennies, nickels, and dimes ~Comparing numbers ~2-digit addition and subtraction with regrouping Our best-selling Spectrum Math series features age-appropriate workbooks for Preschool to grade 8. |
Math Whizz | K-8 | Online math tutoring through Math-Whizz Tutoring Plus improves students’ Math. We guarantee that 5 to 13 year olds will improve using fun math games and exciting online resources. Subscribe to Math-Whizz to give your child the Math-Whizz advantage. Math-Whizz uses award-winning interactive Math animations and unique tutoring methods to deliver measurable results. Math-Whizz includes Math resources and cool Math games covering elementary Math, including Fractions and Multiplication. Developed by leading experts, Math-Whizz aligns with Common Core Standards and covers the NCTM Focal Points. |
Mathematics Enhancement | A Level Maths | This material is for students who have completed their GSCE Maths course and are about to start A-Level Maths. It is intended to help prepare students for the “step up” to A-Level Maths by ensuring they have a good grasp of the knowledge and skills they have already developed at Higher GCSE level. |
Beast Academy | grade 2-5 | Beast Academy is a new project from the math beasts at Art of Problem Solving. Beast Academy will provide a full, rigorous, and entertaining curriculum for aspiring math beasts in grades 2-5. |
Singapore Math | Grade 1,2,3,4,5,6 | Singapore Math® brand primary and secondary level books and Common Core Standards |
XtraMath | Elementary Grade | XtraMath is a Seattle-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to math achievement for all. Our goal is to develop effective, efficient, adaptive and intrinsically rewarding supplemental math activities and make them available for free. |
MCP Mathematics | Pre K -12 | MCP Mathematics promotes mathematical success for all students, especially those who struggle with their core math program. This trusted, targeted program uses a traditional drill and practice format with a predictable, easy-to-use lesson format. MCP Math is flexible and adaptable to fit a variety of intervention settings including after school, summer school, and additional math instruction during the regular school day. | More | K – 12 | Covers all state and National curriculum, Real, tangible improvements in results. |
Saxon Math | Grade level math | Saxon Math is the only major math program on the market today that systematically distributes instruction, practice, and assessment throughout the academic year as opposed to concentrating, or massing, related concepts into a short period of time — usually within a unit or chapter. Saxon Math’s unique approach to math instruction ensures that students not only gain but also retain essential math skills. |
Mathematics Calvert School | Grade 1 to 8 | Calvert Math, our award-winning home school enrichment course for Kindergarten through Eighth Grade, teaches key math skills and how to apply them to everyday life situations. Our program places strong emphasis on the higher-level critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students explore concepts using daily lessons with colorful, clearly designed pages and easy-to-understand, step-by-step directions. |
Reflex: Math Fact Fluency | Grade 3 to 12 | Reflex is a revolutionary, game-based system that helps students of all ability levels to develop instant recall of their basic math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). |
Oak Meadow Math | K-12 | Oak Meadow School is fully accredited and serves over 600 families in grades K–12. We offer a flexible program with strong academic standards, accredited transcripts and an innovative college preparatory education. |
IXL | Pre-K to 8th Grade | Love it! My students and my own children can’t wait to get on the computer, and I then have a hard time stopping them from using the site! |
Moving with math | Grades 1-8 | To solve a problem is to find a way where no way is known offhand, to find a way out of difficulty, to find a way around an obstacle, to attain a desired end, that is not immediately attainable by appropriate means. |
Math Facts NOW! The Program to | Elementary Grade | Nothing is more important in getting a child on the road to success in math than a thorough grounding in the basic math facts of addition, subtraction, multiplication tables, and division. |
Elementary Math Made Easy K-5 | K-5 | Elementary math workbook series by DK Publishing |
Miquon Math Materials | Key | Grade 1 to 3 | Give your students the keys to math-skill mastery! These self-paced, self-guided workbooks—covering topics from fractions and decimals to algebra and geometry—motivate students and build their confidence with bite-size, easy-to-follow lessons. With Key to…® workbooks, you can customize curriculum for individual learners. And with The Key to Tracker, you can use online assessment to monitor progress as well! |
Global Education Resources | Grades 1 to 6 | The mission of Global Education Resources (GER) is to improve elementary and middle school mathematics instruction and learning by providing materials, workshops and consulting services to teachers, schools, and districts. |
Math-U-See | K – 12 | Our goal is to help produce confident problem solvers who enjoy the study of math. The reason we study math is so we can apply what we learn in everyday situations. The students learn their math facts, rules, and formulas, and are able to use this knowledge in real life applications. The study of math is much more than committing a list of facts to memory. It includes memorization, but it also encompasses learning the concepts that are critical to problem solving. |
ALEKS | K-12 | Obtain individually targeted instruction correlated to the Common Core and all 50 states’ standards. Implemented as a core or supplement, ALEKS creates dramatic learning outcomes. |
Life of Fred Mathematics | Grade 4,5,6,7,8 | Don’t be misled by the basic titles. Fred covers much more in each text than what the title indicates. Stan, who puts Fred’s words to paper, has put a list of concepts taught in each book (a scope and sequence if you like that terminology) along with the sample lessons for each book from the series appearing on this website. |
The Quarter Mile Math | K-9 Grade | The Quarter Mile Math programs boost children’s mental math skills and confidence by motivating them to do an incredible number of math problems quickly. The fun, award-winning format is effective because it detects even the smallest improvements and constantly gives positive reinforcement. |
A Journey through | Grade 1 to 6 | This is the math resource you have been looking for! For years we had families ask us what we used for math and it is out of those notes and gathered resources that we put together this very specific math curriculum. We lay out all the math main lessons plus practice sheets for grades one through six. |
Shiller Math | pre-K and pre-Algebra | ShillerMath is the complete Montessori-based math curriculum solution for ages 4-12. |
Math on the Level | K-8 | xWelcome to Math on the Level, a complete K-8 homeschool math curriculum for the whole family. This well-tested curriculum is a home-school approach to math that covers all concepts from pre-K through pre-algebra. Its real-life teaching methods and review-over-time approach will give your children a strong foundation in math. With Math on the Level, normal daily-life activities become math lessons which help make math real. |
Math Mammoth | Grades 1 to 12 | Math Mammoth offers affordable, yet quality math worktexts and workbooks for grades 1-12, loved by parents, homeschoolers, and teachers. |
Sokikom | Grades 2 to 5 | Sokikom’s (so-kee-kom’s) effectiveness is embedded into its games at every stage of their development. Initially funded through grants by the U.S. Department of Education, Sokikom has designed the games using the principles of guided, discovery-based, social, and situated learning. Our games contain learning objectives aligned with the latest National Council of Teachers of Mathematics curriculum focal points and the Common Core State Standards. |
Teaching Textbooks | Grades 3 to 12 | Homeschooling through high school just got a whole lot easier! That’s because we’ve finally created a product that not only teaches high school math but does the grading as well. |
Middle School Secular Homeschool Math Curricula
Middle School Math |
Oak Meadow: Homeschooling | K-12 | Oak Meadow School is fully accredited and serves over 600 families in grades K–12. We offer a flexible program with strong academic standards, accredited transcripts and an innovative college preparatory education. |
Catchup Math Home | Grades 6-7 | Catchup Math identifies and fills in learning gaps, online, for students in middle school through college. Catchup Math is easy to use, highly effective, and affordable. |
Moving with math | Grades 1-8 | To solve a problem is to find a way where no way is known offhand, to find a way out of difficulty, to find a way around an obstacle, to attain a desired end, that is not immediately attainable by appropriate means. |
The Quarter Mile Math – Math | K-9 Grade | The Quarter Mile Math programs boost children’s mental math skills and confidence by motivating them to do an incredible number of math problems quickly. The fun, award-winning format is effective because it detects even the smallest improvements and constantly gives positive reinforcement. |
Math-U-See- Complete k-12 | K-6 Grade | Many people confuse memorization with understanding. Once while Steve Demme was teaching seven junior high students, he asked how many pieces they would each receive if there were fourteen pieces. The students’ response was, “What do we do: add, subtract, multiply, or divide?” Knowing how to divide is important, understanding when to divide is equally important. |
Homeschooling Curriculum | Grade 6,7,8 | Professionally produced videos & illustrations, Award-winning teachers, Complete package with lessons, exercises, tests, exams, & gradebook | More | K – 12 | Covers all state and National curriculum, Real, tangible improvements in results. | Inc | Grade 1,2,3,4,5,6 | Singapore Math® brand primary and secondary level books and Common Core Standards |
Life of Fred Mathematics | Grade 4,5,6,7,8 | Don’t be misled by the basic titles. Fred covers much more in each text than what the title indicates. Stan, who puts Fred’s words to paper, has put a list of concepts taught in each book (a scope and sequence if you like that terminology) along with the sample lessons for each book from the series appearing on this website. |
Centre for Innovation In | A Level Maths | This material is for students who have completed their GSCE Maths course and are about to start A-Level Maths. It is intended to help prepare students for the “step up” to A-Level Maths by ensuring they have a good grasp of the knowledge and skills they have already developed at Higher GCSE level. |
Art of Problem solving | grades 2-5 | AoPS’s newest project is Beast Academy. With our new Beast Academy guidebooks, workbooks, and website, we are extending AoPS’s expertise in math and problem solving education to elementary-school students. Beast Academy will provide a full, rigorous, and entertaining curriculum for aspiring “math beasts” in grades 2-5. The companion website will ultimately provide a customized learning experience for every child, adjusting to student performance to deliver appropriate problems and lessons, and will provide tools for parents and teachers to check their child’s progress. |
CAT Academy | Level 1-6 | CAT Academy is an online virtual institution offering K – 12 learning. Our faculty is dedicated to helping students succeed and excel in today’s changing educational environment. We adapt our curriculum to meet the needs of our diverse student body, taking into account the many ways in which students learn. |
Cap JaxMath Fax | Higher Grade | For students to have any semblance of enthusiasm for math, they must be minimally successful. Otherwise, they become discouraged and math becomes a necessary evil. The number of students who drop math at the first opportunity evidences this. |
KO’s JOURNEY | Middle School | Ko’s Journey began in an amazing region of the Andes called the Cordillera Hauyuash. The original math game design was written by a public school math teacher amidst 20,000 feet peaks. Ko, as it was then called, ultimately became a semester-long classroom math game played with stone totems on hand-painted deer hides. |
Starter Kit Geometric | High Level Grade | This unique hands-on program de-emphasizes counting, uses visualization of quantities, and provides strategies (visual pictures) for learning the facts. Understanding and problem solving are emphasized throughout the curriculum. |
Make Math More | Grade 4,5,6,7,8,9 | To help students see the beauty of math – that it can be used to help explain the world around them. |
Key to – Key Curriculum | Grade 1 to 3 | Give your students the keys to math-skill mastery! These self-paced, self-guided workbooks—covering topics from fractions and decimals to algebra and geometry—motivate students and build their confidence with bite-size, easy-to-follow lessons. With Key to…® workbooks, you can customize curriculum for individual learners. And with The Key to Tracker, you can use online assessment to monitor progress as well! |
Saxon Home School | K–12 | Saxon is the nation’s most comprehensive and most thoroughly researched homeschool math program, with more than 30 years of proven success. Saxon mathematics for grades K–12 is based on the teaching principles of incremental development, continual practice and review, and cumulative assessment. |
Connected Mathematics | Grade 6-8 | All students should be able to reason and communicate proficiently in mathematics. They should have knowledge of and skill in the use of the vocabulary, forms of representation, materials, tools, techniques, and intellectual methods of the discipline of mathematics, including the ability to define and solve problems with reason,insight, inventiveness and proficiency. |
MathMadeEasy- Math Software | 1-12 Grade | Addition Subtraction Multiplication and Division, Fractions Decimals Percents and Word Problems, Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Trigonometry, Intermediate Algebra (Pre-Calculus), Calculus Semester 1, Calculus Semester 2, Advanced Calculus, Probability and Statistics Part 1, Probability and Statistics Part 2 |
Power Basic | K – 12 | MathRealm believes that successful learning requires a combination of great teaching and motivated students. We also believe that the secret to motivating students to become active learners is through quality materials. That’s why MathRealm offers the best math software, books, workbooks, activity guides, manipulatives, and teaching resources for grades K – 12. |
JUMP Math | Grades 1 to 4 | JUMP Math is brilliant! It Works! Kids and adults working with it LOVE it! |
ALEKS-Assessment | K-12 | Obtain individually targeted instruction correlated to the Common Core and all 50 states’ standards. Implemented as a core or supplement, ALEKS creates dramatic learning outcomes. |
Math Mammoth-affordable | Grades 1-12 | Math Mammoth offers affordable, yet quality math worktexts and workbooks for grades 1-12, loved by parents, homeschoolers, and teachers. |
IXL | Pre-K to 8th Grade | Love it! My students and my own children can’t wait to get on the computer, and I then have a hard time stopping them from using the site! |
Chalk Dust Math Videolearning | Grade 3,4,5 | Courses like these are critical for many families who are deciding whether or not they can handle homeschooling through high school. These courses really do allow students to work independently… |
High School Secular Homeschool Math Curricula
High School Math |
College Prep Math and Science | 10th and 6th grade | Complete college prep math curriculum for the high school math subjects of Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2 with Trigonometry, and Calculus. |
Oak Meadow: Home Schooling | K – 12 | The Oak Meadow school enrolls over 700 students in grades K – 12. Our school has been accredited by major accrediting bodies since 1995, and has been an approved Independent School in Vermont since 2000. Our records, transcripts and diplomas are routinely recognized and accepted by schools, colleges, and school districts. To learn more about enrollment in our school. |
Video Text-Right Start | K-4 | We recommend VideoText Interactive for high school algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and pre-calculus. This program uses the same philosophy as RightStart™ Mathematics; students are taught to think mathematically and, consequently, develop an excellent understanding of algebra and geometry. |
Math Tutor DVD-Online Algebra | 3rd grade Math | currently working on DVDs in Basic Math word problems, advanced calculus 2, calculus 3, advanced algebra (college algebra), and geometry. |
Math Made Easy – Math Software | 1-12 Grade | Addition Subtraction Multiplication and Division, Fractions Decimals Percents and Word Problems, Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Trigonometry, Intermediate Algebra (Pre-Calculus), Calculus Semester 1, Calculus Semester 2, Advanced Calculus, Probability and Statistics Part 1, Probability and Statistics Part 2 |
Frequently Asked | grade 11 math | Algebra, trigonometry, basic math, exponents, linear equations, fractions, college prep & much more! |
Chalk Dust Company Math | Grade Level 3, 4, 5 | A Full Set is a complete program with textbook, solutions guide, all DVDs, and unlimited student technical support for the original family |
Chatchup Math Home | Grades 6-7 | Catchup Math is the perfect intervention for at-risk students and for review and test preparation for all students. Our programs cover Grades 6-7 Math, Algebra Readiness, Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, and Graduation Exam Prep. |
Singapore Inc | Grade 1,2,3,4,5,6 | Singapore Math® brand primary and secondary level books and Common Core Standards |
Power Basic Programs | K – 12 | MathRealm believes that successful learning requires a combination of great teaching and motivated students. We also believe that the secret to motivating students to become active learners is through quality materials. That’s why MathRealm offers the best math software, books, workbooks, activity guides, manipulatives, and teaching resources for grades K – 12. |
Math Mammoth – affordable | grades 1-12 | Math Mammoth offers affordable, yet quality math worktexts and workbooks for grades 1-12, loved by parents, homeschoolers, and teachers. |
Think Well Math | Grade 6,7,8 | Complete package with lessons, exercises, tests, exams, & gradebook |
Math-U-See-Complete K-12 | K – 12 | Our goal is to help produce confident problem solvers who enjoy the study of math. The reason we study math is so we can apply what we learn in everyday situations. The students learn their math facts, rules, and formulas, and are able to use this knowledge in real life applications. The study of math is much more than committing a list of facts to memory. It includes memorization, but it also encompasses learning the concepts that are critical to problem solving. | More | K – 12 | Covers all state and National curriculum, Real, tangible improvements in results. |
Khan Academy | 5th graders | The Khan Academy is an organization on a mission. We’re a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education to anyone anywhere. |
Hands-On Equations | grades 3 – 9 | Algebra is the language of mathematics. Seeing and touching the concepts of algebra leads to more in-depth understanding. |
Mathematics | JHU CTY | K -1 to K-12 | Gifted middle school students should be able to learn as fast as their abilities allow. CTYOnline’s individually paced mathematics program, led by CTY instructors and tailored especially for gifted students, helps them do just that. Students may start at any time during the year and progress at their own pace within their enrollment period. |
ALEKS-Assessment | K-12 | Obtain individually targeted instruction correlated to the Common Core and all 50 states’ standards. Implemented as a core or supplement, ALEKS creates dramatic learning outcomes. |
EPGY Mathematics Department | grades 7-12 | EPGY offers a wide range of online courses from the Kindergarten through the University level. Courses can be taken on a course-by-course basis on a year-round calendar. Additionally, courses can be taken through full-time, part-time, or single course enrollment in the Online High School (OHS), a fully accredited, diploma granting, independent school for grades 7-12. While course attributes differ by subject matter, course level, and whether they are offered on an individual basis or through the OHS, the following information is generally applicable. |
Saxon Home School | K–12 | Saxon is the nation’s most comprehensive and most thoroughly researched homeschool math program, with more than 30 years of proven success. Saxon mathematics for grades K–12 is based on the teaching principles of incremental development, continual practice and review, and cumulative assessment. |
Learn Math – Pre-Algebra | 7th grade | Deliver clear and understandable math instruction so that every student, regardless of skill level, has an opportunity to succeed in mathematics and ultimately achieve success in their lives. |
Your Teacher | Middle school, High school and College Math | YourTeacher is a leading digital publisher specializing in middle school, high school and college level math. |
Systematic Mathematics | 8th grade | It is the same way with math. The math troubles that students have in 8th grade and higher are usually due to a poor foundation earlier. We can either repair the foundation, or keep patching the cracks forever. |
Math Without Borders: Home | K-12 | Math Without Borders is an ongoing project to supplement some of the best high school math textbooks with Home Study Companions, to make them useful for homeschoolers and adults for self-teaching. |
Homeshool By Kinetic Books | K-12 | Teachers depend on Perfection Learning for outstanding personal service, timely delivery, and high-quality products with a satisfaction guarantee. We will always be small enough to listen and big enough to care. |
Life of Fred Mathematics | Grade 4,5,6,7,8 | Don’t be misled by the basic titles. Fred covers much more in each text than what the title indicates. Stan, who puts Fred’s words to paper, has put a list of concepts taught in each book (a scope and sequence if you like that terminology) along with the sample lessons for each book from the series appearing on this website. |
Homeschool Math Curriculum | High School | Carnegie Learning curricula are based on more than two decades of cognitive science research at Carnegie Mellon University on how students think, learn, and apply new knowledge in mathematics. |
Video Text | Gendral Math | VideoText Interactive is an innovative company that is blazing new trails in math education. Our programs, “Algebra: A Complete Course,” and “Geometry: A Complete Course” use new, interactive, video-based strategies to teach Algebra and Geometry from start to finish. Students love the brief lessons, and the clear explanations of the concepts. |
Hippocampus | High School – College | Free classes in Math and Sciences for Middle School, High School, AP and College by the Monterey Institue for Technology and Education |
Varsity Tutors Practice Tests | High School – College | Varsity Learning Tools – it is the world’s largest free practice test and assessment site. In total, we have over 35,000 professionally written problems and thousands of distinct practice tests across 120 subjects. Each question is tagged down to the core academic concept being tested. |
I’d like to suggest Thinkwell Math for Middle School on up (starts with 6th grade). Online, video-based, along with printables. Love it.
I’ve added it, thanks for the suggestion. I checked it out and it looks great!
Very informative thanks.