Homeschool Groups in Miami Dade

Here’s a short list of the most popular groups that offer support and enrichment classes to homeschoolers in Miami Dade. Except for FPEA, which is the organization that supports homeschoolers state wide.


  • Florida Parents Educators Association (FPEA) 

    The FPEA serves thousands of homeschooling families in Florida, delivering a wealth of support, guidance and information to both new and longtime home educators. The “FPEA Experience” involves a banding together of homeschoolers to accomplish the task of developing academic and personal excellence by sharing resources, creating connections, enhancing relationships and breaking down barriers. Acknowledging there is no one “right” way to educate, the FPEA acts as an ambassador and champion, serving and protecting the rights and choices of all homeschoolers.


  • Parents’ Association for Teaching at Home (PATH)P.A.T.H. is a support group for families who have decided to educate their children at home in Miami-Dade County. Our goal is to inform, support, encourage, and motivate one another in our endeavor to homeschool. P.A.T.H. Inc. is a non-profit organization which is run by a body of volunteers. All homeschoolers in Miami-Dade County are welcome to join PATH, regardless of creed, curriculum, or grade level. If your family is in need of homeschool support or if you are concerned with your child´s socialization; we invite you to visit our additional pages to get to know more about our group and the different opportunities we offer to the homeschool community in Miami-Dade County.

    Read my post about my personal experience with PATH & HOME

  • Leaders in Godly Home Training (LIGHT)Leaders in Godly Home Training is a homeschool group, fondly known LIGHT, providing Christ-centered support for home educators, regardless of their race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, or handicap. LIGHT is based in south Miami-Dade County and provides a variety of benefits to its members.
  • Parents Association for Christian Enrichment (PACE)Parents Association for Christian Enrichment (P.A.C.E.) of Miami is a South Florida, non-profit, volunteer-based corporation, that provides general homeschooling support, as well as a forum for conducting enrichment classes from a Christian worldview for all families that home educate their children, regardless of their race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, or educational handicap.
  • Arch Angels of South FloridaArch Angels of South Florida is a support group for Catholic families who homeschool

Miami Beach

  • Homeschoolers of Miami Enrichment (HOME)

North Miami

  • Growth Opps for Learning & Development (GOLD)Vessels of GOLD began in 2001. The purpose of our group is to provide a safe and fertile environment for members to discover and develop their gifts and talents. Each year, our members work together to hone their skills and discover abilities that are a benefit to themselves and their communities.


If you know of any other homeschool support groups that meet in Miami Dade that aren’t listed here, please leave a comment and I’ll add it to the list. Thanks!

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