Reading More Reading Better – How We Are Keeping Our Joy of Reading Alive and Thriving
Reading continues to be the cornerstone of our daily lives and of our homeschool. I have read to Super Hero daily since he was born more than 7 years ago. Our reading time has become more than just a routine. It has become our ritual. It is our special time to cuddle, experiencing wonderful stories that make us laugh, wander, wonder, dream and bring us together. Super Hero and I love this moment and we both look forward to it every day specially at bedtime.
These are the things that we do to keep our love of reading growing strong:
- Morning read aloud. During breakfast or lunch, I read to Super Hero while he has breakfast or sometimes lunch. Either he or I will pick a book from our bookshelf or library baskets. We always have so many books to choose from, and never seem to be able to finish reading everything before their due date.
- Audio Books. We have been using our commute to the co-op at Miami Beach on Tuesdays to listen to some really cool books. Indeed, professional actors or voice talent allow the book to become a deeper, richer experience. Our favorites so far, by far, are the Harry Potter series. Jim Dale does a superb job on the narration. He didn’t earn an Emmy Award for nothing! We have only watched movie #1, but it most certainly pales in comparison to the audio book. What a colorful, vivid experience, one that I absolutely highly recommend!
- Family reading together every night. Everyone participates in this family time. First Roberto reads to Super Hero, then Super Hero reads to papá, then Super Hero reads to me in Spanish (Spanish reading had been falling through the sidelines lately. Hopefully now it will cement into our routine.) Usually, Roberto and Super Hero will also play a chess game too, if time allows.
- Give books as gifts. This one is a given. We always include some brand new books as gifts. We want Super Hero to always remember that books are important to us.
- Poetry Tea Time. Although we’ve read quite a bit of poetry, we haven’t yet done our Poetry Tea Time. We will start soon though. This idea came from Bravewriter’s curriculum, which is one of our newest acquisitions (last Thursday night). I look forward to it, it really sounds delightfully fun!
- Book-themed movie night. First we read the book, then we watch the movie, enjoy and compare. Usually, reading the book wins, but watching the movie is fun too. We get to ‘see’ the characters and the settings come alive. Literally 😉
- Book-themed party. We haven’t hosted a party like this yet, but Super Hero already told me he wanted to have a Harry Potter party for his next birthday on September. Should be lots of fun!!
- Bedtime read aloud. This one never fails. There has been a few times in more than 7 years where I have said “its too late now”, or “I’m soooo tired”. Super Hero’s disappointed whenever he’s heard this. And I always regret it the next morning. We really love our bedtime read aloud too much to forego it.
Thanks to Creekside Learning for the inspiration for this post. If you know of any other routines to strengthen your reading life, please share it with us. We’d love to learn new tips!