Nothing like the good ol’ outdoors to renew energies and spirits, and spice up the learning –I’d say. Especially if the outdoors are none other than the gorgeous Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden. Both, Super Hero and I, love Fairchild’s classes. We enjoy the material covered, both instructors, Kiki and Laura, just rock, and of course, we love the scenery, well, who wouldn’t?
For February’s class, we learned all about tropical rainforests. Since this is Miami, Fairchild has effortlessly reproduced a miniature rainforest inside the park. The lesson started on a different hut, no less charming than our first one, where we sat and listen to Kiki and Laura explain some introductory details to the kids about the rainforests of the world. We got to see and appreciate some ingenious objects built by the locals in the South American rainforests to fish, eat or sleep. All these built from the forests’s trees, plants, and rocks. Most objects happened to come from Ecuador, my country, imagine! Needless to say, it was an special lecture 🙂
Super Hero’s keeping his terrarium on the kitchen window, his very own tiniest reproduction of the rainforest! And by the way, a terrarium is also a nice easy activity to learn about the water cycle.
Thank you Kiki and Laura, we’re looking forward to our next adventure at Fairchild: Plant and Animal Interactions.