We all love a great website, one that engages us, makes us wonder, teaches us, inspires us or entertains us.  Well, here’s a collection of websites that will do just that. This is an attempt to compile the most noteworthy virtual field trips, organized by topic or subject:

Explore Past and Upcoming Field Trips


Forests, Zoos & National Parks

  • Tour any the Sequoia National Park, The Grand Canyon, the Great Smoky Mountains, and Yellowstone through Nature Valley Trail View 
  • UPM Forest
  • Estuary Education
  • Cameron Park Zoo
  • The Virtual Zoo (nice for young kids)
  • Galapagos Islands


Curiosity Mars Rover

  • Explore with the Rovers in the JPL Mars Yard


Landmarks & Culture






Museums – Virtual Field Trip Apps


Other Lists & Compilations


If you know of any other virtual field trips worth adding to this list, please share!



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