12 Sites for All Sorts of Free Printables ~ Useful Homeschooling Resources
Roberto found the site printablepaper.net, and he thought it worthwhile to share with you. Surfing around the vast collection of printables, I discovered it’s not just one site, but a family of sister sites with all printables imaginable.
They offer everything as free downloads, but you can also buy their stuff in a CD. Convenient, but if you’re like me, I can never find anything on a CD. I’d much rather google the thing right when I need it. Or in this case, I’ll just go to their website and search right there.
Their sites are not all listed in one convenient place. Not that I could see, anyway. So, I put together a quick list of all the themes I could find. This would help me –and hopefully you too, to get there quick when I need to.
1. PrintablePaper.net
- graph paper
- lined paper
- logarithmic graph paper
- dot paper
- penmanship paper
- note paper
- calligraphy paper
- specialty paper
- and tons more
2. PrintableBoardGames.net (nice!)
- chess board
- snakes and ladders
- cribbage board
- mancala board
- chinese checkers
- backgammon board
- domino sheets
- and tons more
3. FreeColoringSheets.net
- activities
- emotions
- relations
- jobs
- recreation
- vehicles
- fantasy
- and tons more
4. FreePrintableColoringPages.net
- pretty much same as above categories
5. FreePrintablePlayMoney.net
- all sorts of realistic and play money
6. PrintableFlashCards.net
- math
- geography
- language
- science
- early childhood
- and lots more
7. PageBorders.net (cute)
- formal
- informal
- kids
- sports
- nature
- religious
- antique
- and lots more too
8. TeacherPrintables.net
- charts and graphic organizers
- lesson plans
- library and reading forms
- blackline maps
- flags
- all sorts of school related stuff
- and lots more
9. FreePrintableGroceryList.com
- blank forms
- smart grocery list forms
- specialty
- holiday
- menu planners
10. FreePrintableStationary.net
- business letterhead
- personal
- abstract
- party invitations
- wedding
- baby
- animal
- funny
- and again lots more
11. FreeLetterheadTemplates.net
- pretty much same as above categories
12. FreePrintableBusinessCards.net
- corporate
- personal
- technology
- nature
- funny
- feminine
- religious
- and on and on
If you know of any site belonging to this lot that didn’t make it to the list, please drop me a line. Or if you find this helpful, let me know too 🙂
Enjoy your free printables!