Free Timeline Figures for your Homeschool Matching Story of the World

Update: September 10, 2020

It appears that Mary’s blog, featured in this post, is no longer valid. It has actually been down for a while already.

I have collected the links to the timeline figures that very kind homeschool moms have left in this post’s comments. Thank you, ladies, you rock πŸ€—

Vol 1

Shoutout to Rachel, who found Vol 1 timeline cards on Google Drive.

Download below. Share to unlock the download link.

Vol 2

Shoutout to Sahar, who found SOTW Vol 2 timeline cards on Google Drive.

Download below. Share to unlock the download link.

Vol 3

Shoutout to Amanda, who found Volume 3 on Google Drive! πŸ™‚

Download below. Share to unlock the download link.

Vol 4

There is no news on Vol 4 as of now.Β  If you find it, a BIG shoutout to you πŸ™‚

Shoutout to “YOUR name here!”

Also, check out my Free Printable History Timeline, which complements these timeline figures.

πŸ‘‰ Download the Timeline Figures:

Follow these 3 easy steps to download your free history timeline figures instantly:

  1. Choose your fave social media, click to share, AND share.
  2. After sharing it, click the green β€œYes, unlock it!” button to confirm you shared. (Or choose to try again.)
  3. After confirming you shared, the download links will appear. Enjoy your free resources.
Support this free resource by sharing in your favorite social media πŸ™‚
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Vol 1

Shoutout to Rachel:

Vol 2

Shoutout to Sahar:

Vol 3

Shoutout to Amanda:

Thank you! Your support helps our blog and other homeschoolers find and use these beautiful free resources πŸ€—

END OF UPDATE (Please read the original post below to learn how to use the timeline figures with the free printable history timeline I created. It’s all here!).


Original Post (Feb 5, 2015):

I discovered Β Tending Our Lord’sΒ Garden, a blog about homeschooling, with lots of goodies for all of us who follow Story of the World. Mary, her owner, shared beautiful timeline figures to accompany the Story of The World. Β 

Mary does not only share these gorgeous timeline figures, she also shares notebooking pages, and lesson plans. I downloaded only the timeline figures, which go along perfectly with the timeline pages I created and have already shared with all of you, a little while ago.

So, to complete the whole package, I put together a little tutorial (video above) on how to print Mary’s timeline figures in the right size for us. Her figures would be too large for our timeline sheets otherwise. I believe Mary intended for these figures to go on a wall timeline.

I’m attaching my Pinterest board here, where I’m gathering fun world history resources. Thus, our timeline, Mary’s figures, and other cool stuff are all in there.

Follow Patricia’s board World History Made Fun on Pinterest.

Nevertheless, all the links you need to complete the timeline and timeline figures are here too:

Where to click on Mary’s blog
  • SOTW Volume 2

    Story of the World, volume 2, The Middle Ages (this screenshot helps you know where to click to get the downloads)

  • story-of-the-world-timeline-figures-vol-2
    Where to click on Mary’s blog
  • SOTW, Volume 3

    Story of the World, volume 3, Early Modern Times (this screenshot helps you know where to click to get the downloads)

  • story-of-the-world-timeline-figures-vol-3
    Where to click on Mary’s blog
  • SOTW  Volume 4

    Story of the World, volume 4 (at the time of this post, volume 4 resources were not up yet.  The good news is that Mary has a notice with the intention to do so. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.)

  • Adobe Reader software.  Needed to print multiple pages at once at the appropriate size for our timeline pages.
  • So, I think that’s all you need!  

    Big, big thanks to Mary for creating and sharing this fantastic resource. We genuinely appreciate it. Super Hero and I have enjoyed using these a great deal!

    In case you have Story of the World in audio format and would like to learn how to load it into your iPad, check out my video explaining how to do it. We love having SOTW on the iPad; it encourages Super Hero to keep listening at any moment, just because it’s there so readily!

    Happy timelining!  Let me know how it goes πŸ™‚

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