Sharing about the fabulous Nature Posting’s class last semester’s been so overdue!
Nature Postings team extraordinaire, Ms Yoelly and Ms Alex, couldn’t have delivered a more hands on, and more engaging class. Everyone had a blast, kids, adults, everyone! Almost weekly, we kayaked the calm and crisp winter waters off Palmetto Bay. Couldn’t possibly beat learning about the mangroves and coral reef ecosystems at the very site itself. The games got the kids eager to jump in and find seaweeds, corals, and much more. Paddling those kayaks provided a fresh dose of exercise too. And the gentle breeze refreshing our bodies proved a satisfying bonus. Just absorbing the magnificence of the place alone, made this class a clear winner. We also got up-close and personal with a myriad of animals off-site too. We dissected fish, and did other interesting things inside the classroom. Plus, the kids loved Ms Yoelly and Ms Alex, they really had a way with children.
If you’re a homeschooler in Miami, do consider taking this class sometime. Totally two thumbs up!
Pictures courtesy of Ms Yoelly at
What a great honor to read this article! We are living our dream. And each of you are making it possible. We believe in creating connections among people using nature as our classroom. Each of you is a blessing for us. Thank you for your support and we hope to continue offering programs that will make us better people in order to enhance quality of life on Earth!