Secret Brush Skills for Watercolor Painters

Free Ebook Watercolor Tips & Tricks

Googling watercolors, I found this excellent ebook. It claims to have secret brush skills for watercolor learners.  I immediately downloaded it to add to our art program, I can’t wait to go through these “secrets.”  They look so inviting!  Even to do just for fun one lazy Saturday or Sunday afternoon (not that we, homeschooling moms, have any of those, right?)

I actually think it’s a great idea to just practice these tips and tricks without the need to “accomplish” any particular end product. Sometimes, the best outcomes happen when we have no particular intention. It is so true that the joy is in the learning!

free ebook watercolor tips tricks homeschool


Click on the image above to download your free ebook watercolor tips tricks. Alternatively, click on the link directly here:

Thank You St. Joseph’s High School

Our heartfelt thanks to St. Joseph’s High School in Metuchen , NJ. for making this available to the public thorough their website. Thanks so much!  We, homeschoolers, very much appreciate it 🙂

I really hope you enjoy this fab resource.  Do let me know how it goes if you use it in your homeschool.

Happy watercoloring secret brushing!


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