Helping Your Children Learn History Homeschool
This handy book from the US Department of Education has lots of activities to help you teach history in your homeschool. Some are pretty simple like picking up a map with your history lessons. I think most of us already do that. But there are a few that you might not have heard before, like the “Rub Against History” activity. Rubbing half a dollar or dollar coins, or commemorative coins to spark conversations based on those important dates, monuments or memorials.
The book addresses children in preschool through 5th grade. Don’t let the “No Child Left Behind” label deter you. Just take the good ideas from the book, and disregard what you might disagree with, if that’s the case.
Another great resource for young kids is The Liberty Kids series. You can’t go wrong with this one!
Hope you find the activities fun and effective. It’s always fun to try out a new tip to spice things up from time to time.
Happy history learning!