I bumped into this wonderful website with completely free art lessons: www.artfactory.com. The site is nicely put together, clean and uncluttered. I think you will appreciate what it offers.
If you’re studying Ancient History in your homeschool, you’ll find handy how-to’s on Ancient Egyptian art. Easily learn to draw and paint Egyptian gods, crowns, symbols and hieroglyphics.
Aside from the ancients, ArtFactory.com also offers detailed lessons on popular art genres, styles and media. Some of these include, still lifes, portraits, animals, pop art, and so much more.
Source: free art lessons – teach yourself how to draw, paint and design
I like that ArtFactory.com offers the same lesson in different media. For example, the same artwork in still life appears in lessons with pastels, pencils and oil pastels. Not only does each include clear step by step instructions, it also offers an explanation of still life, its history, several distinguished artists, examples of famous pieces, and neat slideshows.
Perhaps you will like to add this site to your homeschool art lessons. I know I always appreciate a reliable learning source, especially those who contribute their talents freely. Thank you, ArtFactory.com, you guys have a generous heart!