Would You Like to Improve Your Child’s Conversation Skills?

Consider Color My Conversation, a dynamic, multi-sensory program that teaches children the skills to carry face-to- face conversations with ease and confidence.

improve conversation skills kids cmc review

Color My Conversation

We received the complete Color My Conversation (CMC) set, a $149 value, from Northern Speech Services.  In exchange, I committed to use CMC regularly during this last six weeks, to deliver my thorough and honest review.

Northern Speech Services Color My Conversation

What to Expect

Color My Conversation was developed to assist children in their social language development. By establishing strong communication skills, it leaves kids with self confidence and empowers them to engage in life.

—Rosslyn Delmonico,
Speech Language Pathologist, Creator of Color My Conversation

CMC’s aims to develop the most basic of social skills in all types of children in grades K to 7. CMC is often used by Speech Pathologists and Social Behaviorists while working with children with special needs. These include children with Language Delayed, Language Disorder, Mild Intellectual Disabilities, High-Functioning Autism, and Aspergers Syndrome. Eventually, CMC started benefiting a much broader range of children, including those in mainstream settings.

CMC takes about 14 to 16 to implement fully. Still, its curriculum can be adapted for any period of time, up to an entire year if desired.  These are the materials needed and included in the kit:

  • 12 “Conversation Path” Stepping Floor Graphics
  • 100 Topic Prompt Picture/Emotion Cards
  • 50 Game Tokens
  • 50 Dry Erasable Wall Display Cards
  • 2 Dry Erase Pens
  • Cloth Ribbon (approx. 9.5ft)
  • Game Board (foldable) with 4 new Activities on the back
  • CMC Ball
  • Classroom Poster
  • Instructional Manual on CD
  • 12 CMC Songs on CD
  • Additional Reproducible Worksheets & Activities

I must admit, the instructional CD made me feel utterly overwhelmed. At first, it seemed to have loads of information without a clear step by step guidance. Gradually, and after watching the instructional videos, it all started to make sense.  Suddenly, I was surprised at how explicit and organized it appeared. I wondered how I ever felt so overwhelmed.

Reading and watching the instructions takes time. It all should be just fine if you don’t pressure yourself to finish up already to get started! Like I did.  We had gotten started, though not with Super Hero just yet.  Ms. Rosslyn Delmonico helps soothe any lingering overwhelm with her gracious and friendly disposition.  I really enjoyed watching her videos!  You can tell she’s passionate about helping the children feel engaged and confident. “Confidence” being the operative word!


Beginner Level – ages 5 to 12.  Students learn the “Conversation Path”. This includes greetings (yellow), conversation starters like “how are you?” (green), topics like “what’s your favorite food?” (blue), conversation stoppers like “I gotta go” (red), and good-byes (yellow.)

Intermediate Level – ages 5 to 12. Students learn the “Take It To The Table” approach. The “WH” questions, which Super Hero and I called the 5Ws. The ‘yes/no/maybe’ questions, learning to make comments, how to change the topic, and speaking so others can understand.

Advanced Level – ages 8 to 12. Students learn the “Color My Conversation Game.” Students either actively play or observe others who are playing adding their own comments. Here students learn the roles of primary listener or primary speaker.

Expert Level – ages vary. Students apply their skills in a natural setting.


You may access a sample of the Beginner Level, Lesson 1, The Yellow Conversation. As you may see, each lesson follows this format: A parent letter, an overview, the lesson, and teaching tools. The lesson itself, provides an introduction, the basic training, role plays, helpful hints, homework and supplements. I like that it includes the script for me to follow. It’s priceless, even if I sometimes don’t follow it exactly.  Throughout it, there are boxes containing special instructions for special cases. All personalities are addressed: outgoing, reserved, shy, disengaged. The program wants to make sure everyone’s cared for.

Thoughts & Usage

Super Hero and I love Color My Conversation. It is such a fun program. The yellow ball immediately puts us in the mood for a “game.”  It really does feel like a game. Each time it’s Super Hero’s turn to talk he steps on the color-coded stone.  He instantly knows what to say, then tosses the ball back to me.  Practicing a typical conversation, plus different scenarios that may arise, gives him greater confidence. I can see he’s gradually feeling much more secure to converse with one person, even when he’s around groups of people.


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I never really thought about the ins and outs of carrying a conversation. Perhaps it is because we, as adults, are so used to it already. Like breathing, we just don’t think about it, we just do it.  But depending on a child’s personality, holding a conversation, may not come as easily.  Color My Conversation has given a rather reserved Super Hero, an easy, pleasurable, non intimidating way to develop this essential skill. CMC is gentle, gradual, and systematic, and above all, it’s great fun! Super Hero’s always eager when it’s time to Color My Conversation.

In a Nutshell
  • Open and Go!
  • Easy Prep
  • Kid Approved
  • Fun
  • Quality
  • Pedagogy

In Super Hero's Own Words

Color My Conversation is really good if you want to learn about conversations. By this I mean how to start a conversation, how to ask questions in the conversation, and how to end the conversation. They call starting and ending of a conversation the yellow conversation. They call the middle of a conversation the short conversation. And the long conversation, topic changers, the WH questions, comment, and more things that we still have to practice more.

I like Color My Conversation! –Super Hero

No matter what age, it is important to communicate well. Color My Conversation certainly succeeds in enabling young children to become killed conversationalists. Though we really are only getting started with CMC, I recognize its benefits. I’m looking forward to continuing this unique program. Practicing longer conversations, and becoming adept with subtleties can only make my son feel more self-assured and empowered. I appreciate that. Thank you Ms. Rosslyn Delmonico!



Reading reviews has allowed me to discover great programs I wouldn’t know otherwise. I like them a lot. There’s always plenty reviews to read at the crew. Also, do pay the Color My Conversation folks a visit. Ms. Rosslyn Delmonico seems like such a lovely person, and a real hero in my book.  You may color your own conversations here 😉 :

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Color My Conversation {Northern Speech Services Reviews}


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Brand Name
Northern Speech Services
Product Name
Color My Conversation
USD 149
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