Homeschooling, Parenting & Loving Life One Day at a TimeHappy Holidays
Dear family, friends and fellow homeschoolers, We wish you much joy and abundant blessings during this holiday season. May it be filled with many, many happy moments. With love, Patricia, Roberto & Super Hero
New York State Canal System Free Activity Book
The New York State Canal System A marvel of engineering without an engineer? Sounds like an impossibility, yet this appears to be exactly what happened during the construction of one of America's most renowned engineering marvels of its time: The New York State Canal...
Free Activity Book Discovering the Underground Railroad
History for Homeschoolers Discovering the Underground Railroad The National Park Service, Southeast Region, in Atlanta, Georgia has created a lovely activity book for children as young as 5 to enjoy. They claim it's suitable for 5 year-olds, but I believe that might...
MyFreezEasy Freezer Meal Plan Membership Review
Freezer Meal Plan Membership: "So, what's for dinner?" –asks Roberto on his way back home after a full day's work. "OMG! I forgot to get anything prepared. Nothing's even on my mind!" My thoughts race hunting for a decent answer... yet again! If...
If You Were Me and Lived In… History Books Review
(Secular) History Books for Children of All Ages If you were me and lived in Ancient Greece, you would be born around 2,300 years ago. {...} Your name could be Alexandros or Linus if you were a boy. They might name your little sister Melitta or...
Homeschool Foreign Language Programs at
Homeschool Foreign Language Curriculum Super Hero has been making steady progress with his French lately. I'm so pleased to have found our rhythm after a choppy period full of changes. We are now using, one of the new breed of language learning sites. Here...
Free Printables All About Ancient Egypt
Dozens of Ancient Egypt FREE Printables for your Homeschool A lot of you have been requesting materials about history. That's why I'm so excited to share this super duper collection of FREE printables all about Ancient Egypt. You've also wanted more timeline figures...
Getting Started with French Homeschool Curriculum Review
French Homeschool Curriculum by Armfield Academic Press Chinese, German, Spanish, Latin, Portuguese, and French. So far, those are the languages Super Hero has dabbled with, in varying degrees of course. Needless to say, he loves to study languages –despite how...
Free Printable Spanish Vocabulary Flashcards
I'm happy to share with you a set of free printable vocabulary flashcards for Spanish foods, perfect for the beginner student. I tried to pick the most common words to begin. Certainly, there are many more to learn, but I trust this is a handy set to get your...
Free Writing Lessons Series #4
Free Writing Curriculum/Programs for Your Homeschool How about downloading a few delightful FREE resources that could only serve to strengthen your homeschool writing program? I'm happy to share with you my latest findings. I've found so many juicy writing instruction...