by Patricia | Aug 19, 2013 | Home Schooling, Homeschooling FAQ, How To Homeschool, Parenting
Embrace Where You Are Exactly where you are right now is the perfect place to begin homeschooling. It doesn’t matter where you are, and how you may be feeling about it, what matters is you’ve decided to homeschool so you might as well make the best of it....
by Roberto | Jul 23, 2013 | Home Schooling, Homeschooling FAQ, How To Homeschool, Videos
Socialization Homeschooling is actually an excellent way to expose children to people from the community at large. Contrary to what is commonly believed, homeschooled children participate amply in the community and are therefore interacting constantly with a wide...
by Patricia | Apr 24, 2013 | Homeschooling FAQ
I got the inspiration for this post at Amongst Lovely Things and I thought I copy the idea 🙂 One homeschool book you have enjoyed I’ve read many and plan to continue to read more. Can’t get enough on this topic, I love it so much! But one that...
by Patricia | Mar 30, 2013 | Curriculum, Homeschooling FAQ
I am looking into MBTP curriculum and I was wondering if you are still using it? My dd is 11 – been home schooling since let November. Thank you for any input, Jay Dear Jay, Congratulations on starting your homeschooling journey! And thank you for...
by Patricia | Dec 17, 2012 | Co-ops & Enrichment, Homeschooling FAQ
Homeschool Support Groups in Miami Luz, a new homeschooling mom I met a few days ago, asked me how long we’ve been homeschooling in our family. “This is our second year” I said. “Oh! You are a homeschooling veteran now then” she replied...
by Patricia | Nov 29, 2012 | Homeschooling FAQ
I’m been sharing some articles from on education, specifically, homeschooling. Today, I’d like to share the story of why a career pediatrician chose to homeschool her children. The author has over a decade of experience homeschooling, but her...