by Patricia | Nov 22, 2012 | Homeschooling FAQ
I recently posted an article I found on about dispelling homeschooling myths. Today, I’d like to post another article I found also at about one family’s experience with homeschooling. It was a rainy afternoon. I was rocking my baby girl by...
by Patricia | Nov 15, 2012 | Homeschool Resources, Homeschooling FAQ
Although homeschooling is growing in popularity, there are still some lingering questions that people continually ask me when they learn our family homeschools. I found this great article on that may help in gaining more clarity on the subject. To decide to...
by Patricia | Jun 10, 2012 | Homeschooling FAQ
To Break or Not to Break our Homeschool for Summer? –That is the Question With public school classes coming to an end here in Miami Dade county, it’s officially the beginning of summer. Private school camps have already started a couple of weeks or so ago....