by Patricia | Jan 25, 2017 | Foreign Languages, Free Printables, Geography, History, Home Schooling, Homeschooling for Free, Language Arts, Mathematics, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Spelling, Writing
Best 12 Free Foldables & Lapbooks Resources for Your Homeschool Foldables and lapbooks are a fun way to spice up your homeschool from time to time. They definitely spark imagination and creativity in your children’s learning. And you can adapt them to...
by Patricia | Jun 30, 2016 | Art, Curriculum Reviews, Foreign Languages, Free Printables, General, Geography, History, Home Schooling, Language Arts, Mathematics, Music, Narration, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Spelling, Writing
Homeschool Notebooking: Smart for Any Subject & Any Age Have you ever placed a homeschooling curriculum or a resource in your wish list with earnest? Has it then kept slipping through your fingers for one reason or another? That’s just what had been...
by Patricia | Aug 14, 2015 | Family Games, Free Printables, History, Language Arts, Math Games, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Spelling
Free Board Games Printable Templates for Your Homeschool We do have lots of board games at our homeschool, and we love playing most of them. I don’t think anything else quite beats the power games have over children. No matter what we’re studying, Super...
by Patricia | Nov 10, 2014 | Curriculum Reviews, Home Schooling, Mathematics, Spelling
IXL Math Language Arts Practice for your Homeschool IXL, an online Math and Language Arts practice site, has given us a full year subscription to its program totally free, in exchange for my complete and thorough review. What We Received I received an...
by Patricia | Jan 27, 2014 | Curriculum, Home Schooling, Homeschool Resources, Homeschooling for Free, Reading, Secular Curriculum, Spelling, Writing
If you have spent some time looking for language arts curriculum online, you’ll probably find there is a gigantic number of them. The challenge, then becomes, what to use. I’ve gathered here a list of 10 items, that I thought were the best of all I saw....
by Patricia | Apr 30, 2012 | Curriculum Reviews, Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Spelling, Writing
Hi, I love your blog and it is so nicely put together! I am considering MBTP and also Sonlight. Do you think MBTP could stand alone as it’s own curriculum? I also just bought AAS and will be starting right start math Level B. My son can read at 2nd-3rd...