by Patricia | Oct 4, 2012 | Art, Drawing with Children
Drawing with Children 5 Basic Elements of Shape – Learning the Basics Part 2 Today we devoted the entire lesson’s time to going over Mona Brookes’ Drawing with Children 5 Basic Elements of Shape making visualizations and playing games. New (July...
by Patricia | Oct 3, 2012 | Art, Drawing with Children
Drawing with Children Exercises Learning the Basics (Lesson 1 in the Book) We continue to follow Dona Brookes’ book. Today with did Drawing with Children Exercises in relaxation and experimentation of our drawing supplies. We learned and discovered how the...
by Patricia | Sep 28, 2012 | Art, Drawing with Children
Drawing with Children by Mona Brookes I’m excited to start the very popular Drawing with Children book by Mona Brookes. Although we’ve had this book for a while already, I finally prepared myself to follow it. Brookes’ drawing book is very widely...