Yesterday we started Moving Beyond the Page 5-7. Concept 1 – The Environment. Unit 1.  At first, we were concerned it would be too basic for him, as my just-turned-6-year old son has very advanced reading (somewhere between 2.8 to 3+ grade reading level.)  I have yet to learn if this curriculum will prove to be enough of a challenge and stimulation for him. For now, I’m trying to broaden it as much as I can think of.

For starters, I created index cards with the vocabulary we’re supposed to review at the start of each lesson. (Thank you for the tip to Jennifer who posted it at the MBtP’s website/IdeaShare section. I did tweak the idea of the index cards to make it more challenging.)  One set has pictures alone depicting the words to be learned. The other set of index cards has the definitions. He then has to read and match them up.  It was a really good start. He loved having to play the matching game. Some of the pictures made him think more deeply as he had to really decide whether the image referred to an ‘environment’ or a ‘habitat’. Others, like tool, ruler and map were easy to match. Still, he had to read the entire definitions. Yay!


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