To Break or Not to Break our Homeschool for Summer? –That is the Question

With public school classes coming to an end here in Miami Dade county, it’s officially the beginning of summer. Private school camps have already started a couple of weeks or so ago. And now a plethora of camps will follow targeting the kids in public schools. Aside from a mini chess camp (1 week only) –which Super Hero was intent on enrolling– and piano and swimming lessons, we still haven’t committed to any other learning or entertainment camps just yet. There are certainly many appealing choices out there, and Super Hero has expressed interest in soccer, volleyball, dodgeball, science and art camps (besides those mentioned already). We’ll see how we manage to enroll in all or maybe just in some of them.

We still haven’t finished our Moving Beyond the Page (our core curriculum) just yet. We’re about 5 or 6 lessons (days) shy of completing our “Culture” unit. We’ll make progress next week after he’s done with chess camp this Friday. And then, we’ll play it by ear, I guess. I do find it interesting that I’ve already been asked quite a few times –“what about summer? do you stop homeschooling during the summer? Doesn’t the child need to have his summer break?” Well, I’ve asked myself the same question. I’ve asked Roberto and Super Hero the same question. What are we to do during the summer? Do we really need to stop doing something that is giving us pleasure and keeping us engaged?

Billboard I happened to see at Calle 8, Miami, this afternoon

I definitely think homeschooling, aside from a way of living, is more of a paradigm shift when it comes to gaining knowledge. One does not learn to fulfill predetermined standards and requisites, or to take tests defined by others (Are these others educators or politicians? Either way, how do they really know what Super Hero has been interested in this week, this month, this year?).

One seeks knowledge because the very process of learning something one finds interesting is enjoyable and gratifying. One seeks knowledge because it makes one grow and expand. And, aren’t joy, growth and expansion at the very core of human nature? I believe that they are. And so the answer is simple, really: Yes, we will continue with the fun, the learning, and the enriching moments we’ve had during this first homeschooling-school year. Of course we’ll likely change the pace of it, we’ve done so already –no more extracurricular activities every afternoon– but I don’t see why we need to put a halt on an intellectually enjoyable activity just because summer is here. Yes, we’ll watch movies, and go to the beach, to pool-playdates, to water-parks, to parks, and to the ice cream parlor with friends, and to other plenty of interesting places. And yes, we’ll do RightStart Math too, and reading, and writing, and … who knows which other intellectually attractive exercises may catch our fancy. One thing is sure: we want to continue to have fun and enjoy ourselves summer or not!

How about you? How do you treat summer break? If there is any particular activity you love to do during the summer with your family, I’d love to know it. Please share!




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