U.S. Elections Lapbook Review ~ Home School in the Woods
Now the elections are near, this little detailed unit study may be just what your child needs to get a good handle on the U.S. Elections. Super Hero, who’s been on a Social Sciences and Civics learning spree, found this lapbook quite a refreshing addition to his usual books, videos and online learning.
What We Received
We received a free digital copy of HISTORY Through the Ages Hands-on History Lap-Pak: U.S. Elections. In exchange, Super Hero and I committed to deliver our thorough and honest review. I was sent a link to the download version, $18.95, by Home School in the Woods, the publisher. A CD version is also available for $19.95
Here’s What to Expect
Though Home School in the Woods is a Christian publisher, this particular lapbook offers a completely secular perspective. The download contains all that you need to complete the lapbook:
- Detailed instructions on assembly a booklet with a thorough explanation on the U.S. Elections,
- Audio MP3s for the entire booklet
- Detailed instructions on assembling each piece of the lapbook. One section of the booklet corresponds to a different piece of paper creative
- A list with book suggestions for further study
If you haven’t used lapbooks before, you’re in for a treat… or not! Some children shy away from all the cutting and gluing involved. Unless of course, you, the mom, (or dad) helps with the cutting and gluing. Naturally, not all children dislike such tasks, they are some who quite enjoy it. Still, I think lapbooking can be a lot of fun. All you need is a file folder to use as the main cover/container. You may add cardstock pages to increase the sheets available into which to glue all the goodies. The child gets to color, summarize or write into foldables, mini booklets, spinning wheels, pop-ups, and other fun stuff.
How We Used the Lap-Pak
We started our first session of the U.S. Elections Lap-Pak on a chilly Sunday evening. Roberto had to go tend a client’s special event, so Super Hero and I decided to begin the lapbook while we waited for his dad to come home. We got so immersed into it that completed about half the lapbook’s creative pieces in one sitting. By the time we realized, Roberto was home after his long special event. Our time had flown by. That ought to say a lot already!
At first Super Hero and I were taking turns reading from the booklet, then we would create the corresponding piece. By piece I mean the foldable, or pop-up, or whatever creative was called for. For example the section on “Election Day” had a paper foldable with a mini explanatory booklet inside, and a cloth curtain as a cover. Then a button on top reading “I Voted Today”
After a few sections, we played the MP3 audio instead of reading ourselves. We loved that. It allowed us to listen while we cut, colored, folded and glued the papers. After each audio section, Super Hero read any mini booklets or explanations pertaining to it, or filled in any blanks. Then we moved on to the next section.
At first I printed a few sections and took them to our homeschooling table, but I found myself coming back to my computer quite a bit to read directions. I guess I could have just pulled the instructions up in my iPad/laptop or print them, but I avoid printing unnecessarily, especially things I know I will not keep. Since I really haven’t had much experience with lapbooking, I felt I needed the directions, at least initially. Eventually, we just sat in front of my computer and pretty much assembled the majority of the lapbook’s pieces there. I preferred this set up much more. This way I had the instructions, the audio MP3s, my printer with an assortment of colorful papers, and all the artsy materials all in one handy place. It allowed us to move on quite smoothly and at a comfortably steady pace. Once we had finished all the pieces we moved back to our homeschooling table to put the whole book together.
So, Was It Worth It?
Yes! Absolutely! Super Hero had such a fantastic time learning about the U.S. Elections, which by the way went along beautifully with his American Government class he’s taking at our local co-op. I, too, loved sharing this experience with my son, and even learned a fact, or two, myself. I thought it was the perfect activity to do on a chilly Sunday night, or any night or day you’d like to do something together with your children.
As usual, Super Hero scored his own ratings. He consulted with me on Open and Go! and Easy Prep. We settled on 3 stars for those items because, well, you just can’t open and go! And at the risk of contradicting myself, while the printing and cutting and such may be easy to do, I’m afraid it doesn’t qualify as “Easy Prep.” There’s lots of prep involved. I guess, that’s the nature of a lapbook. Nothing to do about that!
In a Nutshell
In Super Hero's Own Words
I think it’s fun because it has good pedagogy. I like it!
–Super Hero
This lapbook was a totally refreshing change of pace in our learning curriculum. Both of us loved it. Of course, be prepared to do LOTS of printing, cutting, coloring, gluing. I’m not sure if I’d like that on a regular basis, but for once in while, it’s crazy fun!
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I received a free copy of this product through the Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review, nor was i compensated in any other way. All opinions are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations.