Drawing with Children 5 Basic Elements of Shape – Learning the Basics Part 2
Today we devoted the entire lesson’s time to going over Mona Brookes’ Drawing with Children 5 Basic Elements of Shape making visualizations and playing games.
New (July 2015):
Drawing Warm Ups Practice Sheets are ready at my store. Buy them today, only $3.99
Read pages 59 – 65
Download page 60 – The 5 Basic Elements of Shape (Thanks to http://practicalpages.wordpress.com/2012/02/22/warm-ups-works/ for this PDF)
This was very simple to just follow the visualization exercises that appear in the book for each family in the elements of shape chart. We have also been playing the visual game, page 64, every time we think about it. Super Hero loves to play it whenever we’re eating frozen yogurt. (All of us in the family have been kind of having a love affair with Yogurtland in Pinecrest and Coco Limon in Coral Gables.) We take turns describing something like a dot in the center with a circle around it not very close together, there is rather ample space between them. Then there are about 8 straight lines, each line connects the dot in the center to the circle around it. The lines are evenly spaced. What is it? (a car’s tire.)
Previous: Drawing with Children – Learning the Basics Part 1 >
Do you have a pdf link for the black master your son used above. I have the copy with the examples from Practical Pages. Thanks!
Dear Samantha,
I always try to include all the links to materials I find relevant and useful. If you can’t see the link to a particular document within the post, I’m afraid I don’t have it anymore. I usually get a lot of goodies during my Internet wanderings and lose a link or two occasionally 🙂